Editor’s Note
Hello, my people,
It’s a brand-new year and yes, another chance to start over… but then why do we need to wait for an entire year? Isn’t every minute of every day an opportunity to wipe the slate clean?
This month, year, and decade is extra special for me… while the last decades have had many instances of coming of age, and coming undone but now, slowly but surely, I wake up each day as someone slightly new, and that for me is about coming into my own… as a result … coming ALIVE!
Isn’t it wild, intriguing, exciting, and beautiful to think that every day we are new? I’m celebrating just not another day, nor another year, but LIFE and being ALIVE. Cheers to each of you coming into your own, a little bit more every day.
Share with me, your stories on coming into your own. I would love to read and connect with you. My express thanks to each one of you for taking the time to subscribe, read and share this within your community. I intend to keep this as a 2-way communication, so stay in touch (There are many ways at: www.dr.tanushkamelwani.com)
Stay well. Stay Happy. Stay Lit. Happy New Year!
Tip of the Month
Shedding the shoulda, coulda, woulda:
Change is the only constant- So why dwell on the mistakes and regrets you, your kids, or significant others made yesterday or stuff you or they “should” have done better? Instead, can we shed the “shoulda, coulda, and woulda” and resolve to make tiny changes in the moment… and not just big annual resolutions? This allows us to move from fear of the “what if… to the present moment of “what is”.
Making these tiny shifts, is us becoming a bit newer each moment of each day! That’s a move from coming undone to coming into your own. IT WORKS. Try it!
The Power of the Butterfly Effect
In the 1960s, scientist Edward Lorenz began exploring the phenomenon we now know as the “butterfly effect” after discovering that an event as simple as the flutter of a butterfly wing has the potential to create a storm on the other side of the world.
Sometimes the biggest things start small. One seemingly small action can lead to significant and lasting change—this is the Butterfly Effect. And often when you trace back to the origins of a Butterfly Effect moment, you’ll find a pattern of personal connections empowering us to do the extraordinary.
For me, it was the recognition of that unique initial placement within my family and then some very pivotal friendships and connections that encouraged me to take that first step and flap my proverbial wings at various stages in my life. This set in motion effects beyond my wildest imagination. Could that people-pleasing 10-year-old ever imagine that her gentle and sensitive actions were setting her up to become a gorgeous woman, married to the love of her life, with 2 beautiful kids, fuelled by a purpose, living her best life?
All it takes for a life to be transformed is one moment of connection and the simplest act can have a profound impact—a single moment that sets the course for a lifetime-towards coming into your own.
As my mentor, Dr. Shefali says- One is a million.
Be inspired to set in motion your Butterfly Effect.
Write to me your butterfly effect story – Who knows that a collection of these stories might inspire our very own co-authored book! We all have the power to make a lasting impact on those around us and to inspire them to do the same for others. Creating, through our actions, a ‘butterfly effect’ of positive change.
My Love Note To You All:
Thank you for the immense support, pride, and lovely messages I continue to receive through Free to Be. This work is making massive shifts in my life and relationships and in turn for all my clients. With so much gratitude for allowing me to stay grounded as I move forwards on the conscious parenting path toward growing myself up. I’m here for you if you are ready for this life-changing and paradigm shifting conversation.
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What I Know For Sure…
On the subject of coming into your own- It’s really when you are in alignment with what you came to do on earth and your personality is a perfect match to serve that. That can look different for every single person, but the common denominator is that it’s all about alignment. What I do know for sure: Is that you don’t become what you want, you become what you believe. So, listen to your inner self, be kind, and know for sure that you are here because you have a contribution to make. The real work is getting about the business of making that contribution. There’s no timeline, it’s never too late! Can we learn to embrace our awesome?
(Credit: Jess Huggins and Oprah Winfrey)
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We all want to spend this precious time enjoying our kids versus arguing and fighting, right?
That feeling of wanting to be in control of your life versus feeling like you’re on a hamster wheel and just can’t get off.
When we parent from the mindset of being ‘right’ we begin to parent how we were parented with our belief systems around what we know and believe to be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
If good parents are Natural then why is it so hard to stop the sibling rivalry, screaming, or even just getting them to sleep on time?
When we trade authenticity for goodness, we will do anything it takes- beg, borrow, steal, lie, forage and create a façade of fakeness.